Per? la policia l'atura i el deixa en una sala blanca, tancat, en un indret transfronterer i higi?nicament netejat per la Maria Tropova, l'empleada que signa en un full segons el qual a les 08:12 del matí s'ha fet la darrera neteja de ...
... the jews who survived the crossing) walked on **** to the town of moghilev, from which they were sent to various provincial camps: copaigorod[72],murafa[73],capusterna[7 4], btropova/b,vindiceni[75],crasnoie[76],l ucine??[77] & others. b...../b on july 1, 1780, the contract between the bestate/b owner ionita basota and the jews was signed, that permitted them to build a synagogue in their neighborhood on the condition that it would not look different on the exterior from any ...
Vse, kar imajo gostje skupnega, je zaužitje živil,'' je pojasnila Skaza bTropova/b. Novih primerov okužb od tedaj ne beležimo, je dodala. Čeprav lastnica lokala zanika okužbo s hrano, so na Zdravstvenem inšpektoratu v Celju potrdili, ...